
Hi my name is Lizanne (but you can call me Liz)! I’m the one writing the blog posts and also the one that makes the YouTube videos. I’m an 19-year-old Dutch girl that loves to be creative and is passionate about fashion.

I have always been really insecure as a little teenage girl. At some point I got really into fashion and I tried different styles and things that I never thought would look good on me.

I learned to express myself through fashion and wear clothes that made my body look good. It made me more confident than ever. With my videos and blogs I’m trying to give the same to other people. I want people to feel confident in their own body’s because we’re all just as beautiful and unique. I wanna make sure you know that too.

I got really inspired and motivated by my favourite YouTuber and in the beginning of April 2020 I posted my first YouTube video on call me Liz! People loved my style right away and it went pretty well for me. I love making videos but there were things I wanted to talk about that were not good enough for a video, so I decided to start this blog! Here I can talk about even more fashion topics and give you much more advice. Such as online clothing site reviews, what the new trends are gonna be, where you can buy the best white basic sneaker and so much more! I wanna help you find your own style, be original and, most importantly, be confident and dare to wear something different!

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